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Online Marketing


Technologies India (Tech I ) provide the online marketing tools to design, create, execute. Our tools can help you track Shoppers, determining how they steer through your site. Your challengers understand the advantages of Internet advertising and they are already hard at work setting up e-marketing portals, planning PPC campaigns, and creating points of entry for their customers. If you don't clamor for some of the online consumer attention, your brick and mortar inferiors may quickly become "brand superior" on the Internet. The good news is that it's not too late to make up the ground. An intelligently pursued ad campaign that takes advantage of technologies, builds in a redundant infrastructure, and measures consumer responses can quickly outpace even a well-established competitor online ad plan.

You can also track each campaign, promotion and coupon along every step of the way on your Real-time Dashboard. Marketing tools also identify which of your campaigns were successful and which were not, enabling you to fine-tune your future marketing efforts. Finally, these tools give your key decision-makers access to relevant marketing data within minutes-instead of the hours or days normally needed to comb through extensive Web logs